With the temperatures starting to drop, you are probably beginning to notice some snow on your lawn when you look out the window in the morning, feel the cool fresh air hit you in the face when you open the door to go to work, and are welcomed by a layer of frost on your windshield that requires you to scrape it off. These are just a few of the wonderful experiences we Saskatchewanians get to enjoy from year to year as the seasons change. As winter continues to come into fruition, another thing you may begin to notice is condensation on your windows.
Don’t panic! Condensation is normal! There could be an easy fix!
Believe it or not, condensation is a good sign; it means your windows are doing their job and are holding the heat inside your home. High-performance energy-efficient windows make the most out of the sun’s heating rays during the winter months and maintain an impassive temperature difference between the outdoor and indoor panes of glass. Windows & Doors are the first spots in your home where you will begin to see condensation. Imagine a glass of ice-cold water in your hand while you’re sitting beside the pool on a hot summer day, moisture begins to gather outside of the glass. This doesn’t mean the window has a leak, but that the moisture from the saturated warm air is collecting on your glass. Here are some things to think about when condensation begins to appear on your windows!
Consider the age of your home.
An aged home could potentially lead to material decay, creating leaks in your windows and doors. This can most commonly be seen in wood-framed windows as they are more subject to becoming weathered over time. If you feel a draft coming from your windows, it is best to contact a trained professional and get the issue dealt with ASAP so you aren’t spending more money on heating or cooling your home than you should be!
Keep your humidity levels in check.
When seeing condensation on your windows, a good place to start is checking your humidity levels. It is recommended to maintain 25 to 30 percent relative indoor humidity. Many smart home thermostats allow you to set or test the humidity levels in your home, but you can easily do so by using a hygrometer (available at most hardware shops).

Airflow is essential.
You want the air inside your home to be moving and this is why fans can play a big role in condensation control. Improved circulation and proper ventilation will considerably help keep condensation off of your windows. Make sure your bathrooms, kitchen, and laundry room are all properly ventilated, as these areas can significantly increase humidity levels inside your home!
Minimize the use of blinds & remove screens if possible during the winter months.
Blinds and window screens can trap warm air against the cold glass, leading to more condensation build-up when compared to if the window was completely exposed to the room. You can still use your blinds and screens, but when you notice the condensation getting worse, make sure to air out the glass!
Unexpected Culprits? Maybe?
There are many things you may have in your home that could also be throwing your home’s condensation levels out of whack. For instance, do you store unseasoned firewood inside? How many plants are in your home and where are they inside the house? Are there lots of people in your home all the time? Any of these points could be a condensation culprit!
Bigger Problems than Condensation???
There is always the chance that your window or door needs to be repaired or replaced. As years go by weather stripping can get worn, seals can potentially break, and so on. It is never a bad idea to contact a window specialist if you are having nothing but issues and can’t seem to figure it out! You also want to make sure that your home is equipped with proper gutters, flashing, and downspouts in order to deter water away from your foundation.
It’s never a bad idea to know where the moisture in your home is coming from and how to reduce it if needed. It can be annoying and frustrating to constantly have condensation on your windows, but most importantly you want to make sure there isn’t a bigger issue!
For all your Window & Door needs be sure to give us a call – 306-545-3990
3rd Generation Family Owned & Operated