First and foremost, the health and safety of our customers, staff, and the communities in which we do business in, are our highest priorities.
Glacier Glass recognizes the very rapid spread of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) and how it has had an impact on our daily lives and business operations. The given situation has been changing fluently over the last couple weeks, and we want to inform you of the steps we are taking in order to ensure everyone’s safety. Each day we monitor the guidelines in which the Government of Canada, World Health Organization, and the various Provincial and Municipal Governments recommend on how to conduct business. As such, we will be adhering to the following procedures:
Sanitization – We will be continuing to clean and sanitize our store, shop, offices, trucks, and equipment. We have numerous hand sanitizing stations throughout the office, and our employees are to be mindful of social distancing, as well as being reminded to regularly wash their hands. Our employees are updated on a regular basis about any changes or new recommendations.
Operations – We have notified our staff to be mindful of the COVID and its symptoms. If a staff member is not feeling well, they are instructed to self-monitor and take the Saskatchewan health Self-Assessment tool as a first precaution. If they become highly concerned, they will be sent home and will be recommended that they call 811 to determine whether they should be tested for COVID-19. Any staff that has travelled to any of the high-risk areas, are asked to self-isolate for 14 days.
Service – The health and safety of our staff is very important to us and we please ask that if you have any concern you may have COVID-19 to please call our office in order to make new arrangements for the service you require.
Supply – We are in constant contact with our key suppliers and have been assured that our supply chain is stable. We do not foresee supply chain interruptions at this time and will continue to monitor.
Our commitment to you has always been to provide optimal customer service and support, and we will continue to do so. We will continue to check for updates to ensure that our staff and customers remain safe and healthy. For more information on COVID-19 and updates, please check out:
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at any time with any questions or concerns. We understand that the current health environment is a concern for many, and we extend our deepest sympathies to all those who have been affected.
Business will be conducted as usual with the above precautions put into place. We thank you for choosing Glacier Glass and look forward to continuing our partnership in the future.
Sincerely, Jamie Halbgewachs President & CEO Glacier Glass Service Ltd.